
The safety and health of all employees of Aldag / Honold Mechanical, Inc. are of primary importance. The prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses is integrated into the overall operations, procedures and productivity goals. We treat safety as an equal portion of our day-to-day operations along with our pride in production and quality. All aspects of our safety and health program are intended to attain one objective – the prevention of injuries, illnesses, and accidents. We believe it is possible to create and maintain an injury-free work environment for all our employees. Our safety and health program is designed to reduce the number of injuries to a minimum; our ultimate goal is zero accidents, injuries, and illnesses. Safety is practiced by all employees at all times.

Aldag/Honold Safety Facts:

  • Current EMR:  .71
  • 1,330 days without lost time injury (AND COUNTING)
  • Member of the Drug-Free Alliance Substance Abuse Testing program (Local #400 & #18)
  • Weekly Tool Box Talks
  • Bi-monthly Safety Committee meetings with individuals from all departments of the company
  • Dedicated, Full Time Safety Manager
  • CPR/Basic first aid trained employees
  • OSHA 30 trained employees
  • Approved ISNetworld Contractor
  • Member of the PICS Safety Auditing System

Our employees have truly adopted the safety culture and the “everyone is in charge of safety” attitude. We have virtually 100% attendance at events such as the Mechanical Contractor Association’s safety days and other safety trainings. We strive to be leaders in our area and provide our employees with all necessary safety training, documentation, policy implementation, support and PPE to make safety an easy part of their job.

Contact Us

Aldag/Honold Mechanical, INC.
3509 Business Drive
PO Box 1265
Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53082-1265
Telephone: 920.458.5558
Fax: 920.458.3750

Matt Van Buren, Plant Manager, DLM Holdings

Over the past couple of decades our company has worked on numerous projects and has greatly appreciated the team at Aldag/Honold for their professionalism and ability to achieve deadlines and complete projects with the utmost quality. A dust collector fire had our company anticipating a lengthy downtime and a substantial cost to replace the system, but with Aldag/Honold’s team of engineers and craftsmen we were up and running in the least amount of time and within budget. Our collection system has never been better!!

Matt Van Buren, Plant Manager, DLM Holdings